the 11th reason

ok so i've been back with ubuntu for a over a week now, and here's how it all stands.
We had a piece of coursework due for Mathematical Moddeling and i vowed to use Ubuntu. In the assignment we were required to use an excel add-on called Solver, whilst this proved difficult to install and use on both windows and mac, i was already 2 weeks ahead by using a copy of solver that someone made in perl for OpenOffice Calc (linux's answer to office excel) whilst installing it was 2 clicks, and it was an exact clone, it was only beta, and crashed quite a bit, but. openoffice recovered all my files good as new.
adding screenshots was easier than ever in ubuntu, using Alt+print screen it only captures the focused window, so i didnt need to crop all the images to hide the start bar (and more importantly the time and date, being fat too close to the deadline).
Once I had completed my report, i simply clicked the pdf button, and i had a pdf ready to submit. sexy times indeed.
back in the real world of work i tried to install panorama maker ( a windows program), It installed fine, but would not run, so i looked for linux versions. I found one called huggin, but it was far too hard to use and very boring.... so my new task is to install xp ontop of ubuntu so i can use windows programs on occasions.
vmware now offer vmware server free, so long as you give them some details in return. Installation was easy, i just left everything as default. at the moment its installing XP on the virtual machine, the only issue is that i scratched the bottom of my laptop so i cant read one of the characters of my legit serial sticker (my laptop is also on ubuntu) hence a keygen.... but hopefully i can get that sorted? or maybe not....
XP on ubuntu, the 11th reason why Ubuntu is better for you.
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