Tuesday, October 31, 2006

-=halloween '06=-

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Monday, October 23, 2006

-=panic! and songbird =-

ok so not a lot going on in terms of free time right now as i've been properly hit by work, i'm fixing 3 companies up with websites at the moment and my 3rd year is killing me, i swear uni is not meant to be this hard. they all seem to think that we know everything, and to be fair, i do. but i seem to have forgotten most of it.

back to the good stuff, i went to see panic at the disco last night and it was amazing, i thought billy talent was good back over summer, but this topped it. There was a huge windmill on stage and dancers all dressed in period clothes. i actually felt like i was in a different time zone. and you know maybe electric guitars should have been invented sooner.

whilst searching for a new mp3 player for my ubuntu machine ages ago i discovered songbird. a new mozilla based itunes rip-off. it hadn't been released back then, but i stumbled across it a couple of days ago, and they have an alpha release for windoze now, so i put it on my xp machine. although being a little buggy, and quite slow to start up (nearly as slow as itunes) i am pretty amazed by it, and am reccomending to everyone ii meet. i love the web function as you can browse 'new music' blogs and it downloads the tracks for you. i've found some pretty cool artists and my taste is becoming more ecletic. If you go for songbird, check out the webcast at www.songbirdnest.com first as it shows you the features.
i'm keeping it as my default player, but im still longing a music player that suits all my needs (i.e. keeps my folders organised, and doesnt add the same song twice.)

Friday, October 20, 2006

-=new guitar time=-

my sexy new guitar came today, all the way
from Germany. sexy sexy B.C Rich Warlock.
tasty times.

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Sunday, October 08, 2006


ok, so a real post, and this one sure as hell is real.

we start our journey at 8am on wednesday, we are all awake and getting ready for lecture, the day goes on, and then i go to work at tesco at 6pm. at 9.30 i get a call from ronnie, who has convinced everyone that we should all go to brighton, even tho we are über tired and need some rest, as we are up again at 8.30 for gay lectures. so, i get home at 10.30 and we talk the plan over, which is always bad news seeing as if the plan goes ahead, it goes ahead later......

so we get in the cars at 12.00 midnight and head for brighton, only my tom tom doesnt let you just say "go to brighton" it wants street names, and it shows all the street names within a million miles of brighton. we only realise this however, when we get past lewisham.

too far gone we call in for backup. our good friends over at http://www.musicboffin.net quickly got onto google maps, (it had to be google who saved us) and fixed us up with a brighton address. we then drove for 2 hours to a cold and wet beach, to which i went in the sea i may add. took some photos, bought a lighter and smoked some good olde shisha on the beach. freezing a tired we still held faith. we stayed for about an hour or so, and then got some local arab chicken burgers for the ride home.

4.30 am and we are back in brockley. shattered and broken. gotta be up in under 4 hours and we've been up for over 20 hours, driving the last 4.

anyway made it to lecture ok, so the moral is, you can go to brighton in the middle of the night and
not bear any consequences. i reccomend to all.

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well it seems that picassa and blogger work good
with each other,,, just sorted out some collections
in good olde goolglé (thats right we pronounce it
"goo-glay" now, because that's what it is), picassa
and fancied a try at the old upload thingy, which
quite frankly saves me photoshopping them to resize
and then uploading them and linking them, it all
works a dream, but then i have just donated another
photo of mine too google.

With some software i'm sure they could write, they
could then read data from the photos i suppose
a bit like that new microsoft thing which matches
photos of the same location. So google, you can
know find out where i live and where i go out for
lunch, Who knew data mining was so usefull.
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Monday, October 02, 2006


well i thought i'd give this little side a shot at gold, since google use it, i decided why shouldn't i?
it saves me dealing with shitty php and databases, i've gotten so lazy last year, really need to step things up and actually do something this year......
i started to use google calender this week, but those novelty things, much like this blog, only last a few minutes, and its not the best calender i've ever used, if you have repeating events theres no way to set up the repeat, like there is on my phone etc. so this makes dull times of your life, such as work, even duller to keep writing in your calender....
also im not too sure on how much of our personal info google actually needs. So far they know all my friends and their e-mail, and they can search through all my mail, so they probably know what toilet paper i use, so letting them know when i actually go to the toilet (i.e in works time!) is a bit too much i think.
I'm not one of these "your credit card details are NEVER safe on-line" kind of people, but i dunno, google's really starting to get me with all this "free services" bullshit, we all hate microsoft for owning our computers, but we are letting google in everywhere and even making them a cup of tea whilst we are at it...... just like i hate the idea of soya everything, i hate the idea of google everything.
well time to take a toilet break google.....